Control, Shift, Return
/Now more than ever it is vital to cultivate return visits by Guests to help rebuild your business. What the Guest experiences at your hotel is the key, and one way you can ensure that experience is the very best possible is by using the tools built into Clarity Hotel Manager.
It starts in advance of a stay with the follow-up to a Guest’s enquiry or booking, using the automated email or SMS options to confirm the stay details, perhaps providing a link for the Guest to check and update their personal details, perhaps including a link to your Guest Engagement App for them to download, and probably offering an incentive such as a discount or complimentary beverage if they book for dinner.
Imagine the positive impression that is made upon arrival when they are greeted in the lobby rather than at the desk and checked in seamlessly and quickly using Clarity’s mobile reception App. An automated email or SMS text welcoming them to the hotel and providing details of your services and internal contacts can follow, along with whatever promotions you’d like to offer and the link to book that dinner in your restaurant of course.
The mobile reception App is also an excellent way to ensure you have the correct details for the Guest(s) and their permission to forward them upcoming deals that might attract them back. While you’re there, you could ask them what their favourite activities are that they intend to partake in on their visit, or what interests bring them here, or when their birthday is (for that complimentary bottle of bubbles you offer), or any one of 1000 different bits of information you can collect and store for them personally in Clarity Hotel Manager’s customised Guest profiling module.
Ensuring they had a great stay is about staying in touch while they’re with you, responding to them personally and ensuring their every need is met. Any one of a number of Guest Engagement Apps that Clarity interfaces to will ensure you achieve this promptly with minimal disruption to your time. Following up their visit with an automated email (or SMS) shortly after their stay thanking them for choosing your hotel, asking for feedback and offering a link to their next booking (with a discount since you don’t have OTA fees) reminds them of how good their experience with you was, and sets up the scene for their next visit.
Now you can use the information you’ve collected to reach out with personalized emails inviting them to book direct for events involving their preferred activities and interests, special occasions such as birthdays, or directed to their market segment, their total spend, their number of stays, or any one of the 1000’s of bits of information you could collect. Or your head office marketing department could do it for you with Clarity Central Manager, or you could engage one of the specialist Guest Marketing companies such as Revinate to do this for you. After all Clarity Hotel Manager talks to them all…
At Clarity we recognise that now more than ever you need to pull out all the stops to rebuild your business – after all we’re doing exactly the same!! As we say, “lets connect” and show you what Clarity Hotel Manager can do for you.