Company Statement - HospitaliTech Magazine

HospitaliTech Magazine understands that employers have immense responsibility in controlling the spread of Covid-19. We must take appropriate action to allow our staff and associates to continue working on a day to day basis. We have ensured that all of our employees have access to appropriate hygiene facilities when working together however most staff will be working remotely until further notice.

The HospitaliTech employees have been advised to maintain a good level of hygiene and ensure they are minimising any contact with others unless necessary. With our team members having children along with other responsibilities outside of work - the current restraints are difficult to abide by at all times but this new way of life must always be respected. Associate meetings have been put on hold and virtual conferences will be held as an alternative to continue giving exposure to our associates. We want ensure everyone that the health and safety of our associates, readers and staff will always be our main priority above anything else. We will continue to give anyone linked with HospitaliTech Magazine advice on how best to stay safe in relation to the latest advice or guidelines in action via the Wold Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England.

Employees are updated every few days on any changes that have been made but we would advise that others take precaution and read up on the best way to continue working safely through the current pandemic. If any of our employees are feeling unwell or showing any signs of symptoms - they have been informed to contact a senior member of HospitaliTech Magazine via a digital platform. We would advise that our associates and readers follow the same protocol unless they already have a plan in place should this issue arise.

To slow the spread of Covid-19 please feel free to refer to some of the latest guidelines, updates and resources as shown below;

We will beat this virus together. Protect Yourself. Protect Others. Save Lives.

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